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Student/Staff Web Directories

Students and staff can have public_html directories in their home directories that will display content on a public website. Student sites will show at and staff sites will show at There are some caveats -- especially on the staff side so treat some of this documentation as more of an indication of the intended setup.

Student Web Directories

Student home directories are found on and Apache is configured to search those for a folder called public_html. The contents of this will be displayed behind a tilde, this functions using the standard Apache module, User Directory. Permissions are important here. Here's an example web directory:

├── [drwxr-xr-x]  public_html
│   ├── [-rw-r--r--]  background.jpg
│   ├── [-rw-r--r--]  index.html
│   ├── [-rw-r--r--]  solar_system.html
│   ├── [-rw-r--r--]  ss.css
│   └── [-rw-r--r--]  ss.js


You want files to be readable (chmod 0644) by all users and folders to be readable and executable (chmod 0755) by all users.

Faculty & Staff Web Directories

Public HTML directories for faculty and staff are homed on (a.k.a.,, Depending on your department and when you set up your web directory you site might be intended for a different domain name. shares your home directory to the aforementioned server -- meaning you could also use this server to host a web directory. Even if you have your site on another domain -- it will likely load fine on

For permissions issues refer to the notes in the student section above.

If you have questions or need a special request raise an issue on Service Hub.